Tuesday, June 9, 2009

So here is the deal, I just completed a cycle and guess what nothing. Although everything looked good aperatnley my endo came back. So thats it I am on break not because I want to but because we have no choice. Dh lost his job, so that means no insurance. My doc has already given me the cold shoulder, I am officaly done. Although this does give me the excuse to find a new doc the next time I can start. So I am on my own. Any suggestions? I think I will start by a blog make over. Then I will start on a self makeover. I need to lose weight, point blank end of story. Next time I start I want to be healthy I do everything on my part. I am super excited to be off hormones this will be my first time in a year that I have not had some hormone to take every night and morning. Yeah...
So as with everything a new adventure is about to begin...

1 comment:

Debi (Dubs2007) said...

Thanks for responding to my blog - I havn't looked at the website yet, but look forward to it.

I havn't read much of your blog yet - have you tried the books "taking charge of your fertility" and "eat right for your baby"?

I have several people who when combining the 2 have been able to become pregnant - and lose weight. I hope your prayers are answered soon.

with love,