My TTC Journey

My TTC Journey

May 28th- Now: Break to become healthy
May09 Start Clomid+Femara=BFN

April09= Cyst on Left Ovary Birth Control

March09 suprise egg follice HCG shot =BFN

Febuary09 Clomid+Femara=BFN

Jan2009 Clomid+Femara=BFN

Nov-Dec 2008 start Lupron

Oct2008 BFN

Sep2008 LAP

June-Aug2008 birth control to try and get me back on schedule

May2008 Femara cycle = BFN

April2008 See RE and am diagnosed with PCOS and Endo

July2006 start TTC

Oct2005 my dd is born

March2005 BFP---Honeymoon baby

Feb2005 five went to ER for what I thought to my appendix turns out I have giant cysts on my right side

Jan2005 married the love of my life